Wednesday, November 20, 2019

C language IMP Questions for BSc/BA/BCom/BCA/BE/BTech/MSc/MCA (CS/IT) I year students



Unit -3



Tuesday, February 26, 2019

C Language Topics in Hindi and English


Classification of Programming Language
Procedural Programming Language
Problem Oriented Language
Non procedural programming language
Structured Programming / Modular Programming Concepts
Control Structure, Sequential Structure, Selection Structure, Iterative Structure
Top Down Approach & Bottom Up Approach
Problem Solving using Computers SDLC
Problem Definition
Problem Analysis & Design
Compilation & Execution
Debugging and Testing


Introduction of C language , History of C Language
C as a Middle Level Language
C as a Powerful Language
C programming Structure and Examples
C Program for Simple Interest-
C program to find ASCII value of given character
C program to find area and circumference of circle...
C program to calculate addition,subtraction,multip...
Data types in C Language
Tokens of C language
Keywords of C language
Identifiers of C language
Variable of C language
Constants of C language
Operators of C language
Arithmetic Operators in C language
Relational Operators in C language
Logical Operators in C language
Bitwise Operators in C language
Assignment Operators , Compound Assignment and Multiple Assignment Operators in C language
Misc Operator in C langiuage
Operators Precedence and Association in C language...
Type Conversion or Type Casting in C language
C program to find area of triangle using heron's f...
C program to swap value of two variables without u...
C program to swap value of two variables using thi...
C program to find square,cube and square root of a...
C program to calculate gross salary of an employee...


Input and Output Operations in C language
if block
if else block
Nested if else block
Ternary operator or Conditional operator (?:)
C program to find first division of student using ...
C program to find largest among three numbers usin...
C program to find largest among three numbers usin...
C program to calculate compound interest.
C program to print water states(ice,water or steam...
C program to find profit/loss/noprofit-noloss when...
C program to find roots of quadratic equation.
C program to check whether given year is leap year...
switch case statement
C program to check whether given alphabet is in Up...
C program for basic calculator using switch.
C program for temperature conversion in different ...
C program for date validation.
C program to print next date when any date is give...
for loop
while loop
do while loop
C program to print table of number n using for/whi...
C program to print counting from m to n using for/...
C program to calculate factorial of given number.
C program to print fibonacci series of n numbers.
C program to print n th term of fibonacci series.
C program to find that given number is prime or no...
C program to print prime number series of given ra...
C program to check that given number is perfect or...
C program to check that given number is armstrong ...
C program to reverse a number.
C program to check that given number is palindrome...
C program to calculate sum and average of n number...
C programs to print PYRAMID patterns using nested ...
break keyword or break statement
continue keyword or continue statement
goto keyword or goto statement
return keyword or return statement
exit function
C program to display use of break statement in swi...
C program to display use of break statement in loo...
C program to display use of continue statement in ...
C program to display use of continue statement in ...
C program to display use of continue statement in ...
C program to display backward branching using goto...
C program to display forward branching using goto ...
C program to calculate nPr permutation and nCr com...
C program to calculate LCM and HCF of a number.
scope rules in C language
Storage Class in C language


Array Data structure, Types of Array (1D,2D and MultiD array), Need of Array
C program for Linear or Sequential Search.
C program to calculate sum and average of element ...
C program to find minimum and maximum element exis...
C Program for sorting a 1D array.
C program to calculate addition of two matrices.
C program to calculate subtraction of two matrices...
C program to find reciprocal of given matrix.
C program to find sum of diagonal elements of give...
C program to find multiplication of two matrices.
String and String Functions in C language
C program for strlen() function.
C program for strlwr() function.
C program for strupr() function.
C program for strcpy() function.
C progrm for strcmp() function.
C program for strrev() function.
C program for strcat() function.
C program to find that given string is palindrome ...
Structure ( struct keyword ) of C language.
Union ( union keyword ) of C language.
C program to store and display records of N studen...
C program to store and display records of N employ...
C program to store and display records of N produc...
C program to store and display records of N studen...
C program to store and diaplay records of N employ...
C program to store and display records of N produc...
Union of Structure C language
Pointer in C language
Pointer Arithmetic in C language.
pointer to pointer or pointer of pointer
pointer to array or pointer of array
pointer to structure or pointer of structure
pointer to union or pointer of union.
Pointer to string or pointer of string.
Array of pointers
void pointer
NULL pointer
Dangling pointer
pointer of 2D array
self referencial structure
Functions in C language
C program to calculate factorial of number N using...
C program to find greatest among three numbers usi...
C program to find that given number is prime or no...
C program to swap values of two variables using fu...
C program to print fibonacci series of n numbers u...
C program to swap values of two variables using fu...
C program to calculate factorial of a number using...
C program to print fibonacci series of n numbers u...
call by value and call by reference method in C language
Recursion, Types of Recursion, Advantages and Disadvantages of Recursion in C language
C program to calculate factorial of number N using...
C program to print Fibonacci Series of N numbers u...
C program to find sum of n numbers using Recursion...
C program to find HCF or GCD of two numbers using ...
Array bound checking problem in C language
typedef keyword of C language
Enumeration in C language


Dynamic memory allocation C language.
FILE, Types of FILE, FILE Operations, FILE pointer declaration in C language
C Language FILE functions - fopen(), fclose(), fgetc(), fputc(), fgets(), fputs(), fprintf(), fscanf()
FILE opening mode of fopen() in C language
C program to read a text file and print it on outp...
C program to read a record from text file and stor...
C program to read an array (record) and store it i...
C program to count number of characters, words & l...
C program to copy contents of one file in to anoth...
Command line argument in C language
C program to copy file using command line argument...
fread() and fwrite() function of C language
End of file EOF , feof(), ferror(),eof() of C lang...
fseek, ftell, rewind function of C language
introduction to Graphics, initgraph method in C la...
Color Palette in C
setcolor, setbkcolor, floodfill function of c lang...
settextjustify in C graphics
line function
rectangle function
arc function
circle function
ellipse function
Rainbow program in C language
Bouncing Ball program in C language
Moving Car Program in C language
Simple Fan program in C language
tic tac toe program in C language